This 3 and a half minute video has more wisdom then entire collections of books in describing the true nature of our reality.
In this super short 3 minute video, Neale Donald Walsch takes on the question “Why do I exist as a human being?” This short video gets right to the point and provides an answer to this question which is in line with most of the Eastern spiritual masters.
Remaining as the Self is all fine and dandy when you are sitting in a lotus position in your special quiet place, but how is one suppose to respond or deal with aggression or abuse? In this great little 4 minute video, Rupert Spira explains how to deal with ‘real life aggression or abuse…
In this fantastic fourteen minute video, Rupert gets to the heart of who/what we are which in turn completely destroys the fear of death. This video not only reveals the cure to the fear of death, but is also an easy to understand description of what we have mistaken ourselves to be.
Amazing as it is, in this 5 minute video Rupert manages to explain how God comes into being and how God truly relates to non-dual teachings. Awesome video!
This 8 minute audio clip from Adyashanti helps us to understand that our parents are not the cause of our suffering in the present moment. They may have caused a lot of pain and suffering in the past, but to continue to suffer for their actions in the present moment is a choice that we make by reliving the past over and over again. Of course, the same applies to friends, relatives and even enemies.
Have you ever been curious about why “Evil” and violence is allowed to exist in this world? In this twelve minute video, Rupert Spira explains the EXACT reason for this and how it involves each and every one of us to instigate change towards peace, love and understanding. Let’s listen carefully…
This video of Nisargadatta Maharaj reveals the entire core or heart of what is known as the “Truth”. Nothing other than this needs to be known or revealed. Nothing has to be done. Blessed be the Master! This video used to be two parts but now this video includes both parts.
In this 5 minute video clip from an interview with Larry King, Spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle answers your questions from social media including if he believes in God, how he best handles stress, anxiety, depression, and if he has ever been starstruck.
In this 12 minute video from Rupert, he takes us through the process from the pre-egoic state at birth, all the way to post-egoic realization. Beginning with a question from the audience about how we should teach our children about the nature of reality, Rupert shows us the process of forming an ego and its eventual dissolution. He then replies to the question on how to best guide our children in such matters.
This is another amazing little 12 minute clip from Alan Watts. In this installment, Alan gives us a peek into the workings of the universe and our place “in it”. There is enough wisdom in this little video to watch at least a dozen times. Let’s enjoy…
In this beautiful 9 minute video on the eve of his 60th birthday, Rupert Spira draws on a poem by W. B. Yeats, and shares his thoughts on how we can find peace during these uncertain times.
In this 8 minute video from Rupert, he reminds us of a different way we can investigate into the true nature of the “I”, or rather investigate into what is aware of our experience. He reminds a questioner that in reality this is one of the simplest things to do and further instructs how we can easily bring our attention back to that “place” whenever we want.
In this beautiful five minute clip from Mooji, he explains that the forces of doubt come for EVERYONE including Christ, Buddha or anyone else. Here Mooji explains how to confront these doubts by remaining in the heart of truth…
Most people believe that Enlightenment or Awakening means the end of the ego. In this very short four minute video, Ramesh Balsekar explains that in actuality the ego remains after Awakening and for the entire duration of the body. Let’s listen carefully… Ramesh Balsekar is a direct desciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He also became one of Maharaj’s favorite live translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
This cute ten minute animation does a fantastic job at exposing the ridiculousness of absolute non-dual views when accepted at face value. This video demonstrates that even though all-that-is may appear out of one source, one must also consider a certain validity to the world of form which our senses experience on a day to day basis.
In this wonderful little 3 minute video clip, Ramesh Balsekar answers one of the most popular questions in non-dual teachings about, “How can I live my everyday, active life AND stay as presence?”. Let’s listen to this enlightened response…
In this super short 5 minute video, Alan provides food for thought surrounding the concept of purpose and how our mind reinforces this concept by using memory to string along moments of eternity to create the illusion of purpose.
In this nine minute video, Neale (author of “Conversations with God”) shares his understanding of fear and then shares how to deal with and ultimately transcend fear altogether.
In this very short 3 minute video, Jac manages to sum up the different ways that relationships can be used or affected by spiritual pursuits in search of the “Truth”.
In this beautiful short video, Maurizio asks some very interesting questions about the self from a scientific standpoint. Even science is coming to the conclusion that our beliefs in a separate self may be just an illusion.
In this super short two and a half minute video clip, Ramesh Balsekar answers the question, “Where do thoughts arise from? Does my brain or mind create them?” Let’s listen to his reply… Ramesh Balsekar is a direct desciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He also became one of Maharaj’s favorite live translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
In this great little 10 minute video, Rupert tries to help a participant who says that she has no desire or motivation to have a career and is currently lost with not knowing what to do. Let’s listen to his advice…
In this great 7 minute video from Rupert, he answers the common question of whether there is something to do to realize the self or not. The answer will may surprise you… listen to what Rupert has to say…
In this eight minute clip from an interview by Rick Archer, Rupert explains what the realization of the truth (non-duality) can mean in everyday life. Although Rick poses questions originating from the mind and looking for answers that will satisfy the mind’s objections to how things “really are in the real world”, Rupert never strays from the freedom realized in the essence of non-duality (Truth).
In this 8 minute video from Alan, we find him sharing his usual wit and wisdom. This particular clip focuses on the illusion of the ego and man’s never end quest to get rid of it. Let’s listen in…
In this great 15 minute video from Rupert, he attempts to explain why God is everything, in spite of our mind’s inability to comprehend and/or accept that God could be the horrific as well as the glorious. Let’s listen in on Rupert’s explanation…
In this insightful 7 minute video clip from Lisa, she explains that there really is no “person” we can call “somebody” and that even the body/mind has no awareness of its own without consciousness. Let’s listen in on her simplified explanation…
In this silent, yet revealing video of a conversation describing his true nature, Nisargadatta responds to questions about “himself” and his relationship to the apparent world around him.
In this nine minute video, Rupert makes several attempts to explain that unlike the popular misconception, the body and mind are not aware, but rather it is Awareness itself that is aware of the body and mind.