In this profound 11 minute guided meditation, Moojibaba offers sublimely simple yet immensely powerful guidance for all seekers of Truth. It transmits a sweet purity and deep silence, where the listener comes to effortlessly recognise their shapeless, history-less source and being. Accompanied by gentle, uplifting music. Let’s get started…
Here we find an official beautifully guided meditation with Mooji into the space of pure being. Mooji explains that, ““Everything is in place for life to unfold in its natural way. Be aware of this. You are not apart from life, but life itself. You are simply here – undivided, whole, complete, happy. Be confirmed in your completeness.”  Let’s join in for the rest of the story…
In this video, Eckhart guides us through the process of identifying and stepping away from negative assumptions. He discusses how to reconnect with the present moment through nature, using it as a tool to quiet the proliferating streams of thought.
In this video, Eckhart explains how identity and happiness affect our thoughts and perceptions. He provides insightful guidance on the importance of the present moment and helps us explore the path to a more peaceful, present-focused existence.
In this 5 minute video we join Tsur Taub, a Philosopher and a researcher of the mind and its potentials, in a deeper look into the question, “Who Am I?”. By using the simple step by step inquiry used in Tsur’s video “Who Am I?” we can easily conclude that we are not the body. The only possible exception seems to be the brain, so let’s take a deeper look… To watch “What is Consciousness?” click here. To watch “Who Am I” click here. Dr. John Browne Testimonial: Science appears to have already answered this question. You are not your [More]
In this video, Eckhart Tolle sheds light on the changing role of teachers in the spiritual awakening process. Eckhart helps us understand why the best teachers encourage independence and he highlights the dangers of attaching one’s spiritual journey to a guru. An essential guide for students and teachers alike.
In this amazing video, Mooji helps us remember the importance of learning how to observe how everything is coming and going.  This will lead to the discovery that there is only one “thing” that is NOT coming and going.  When this happens, one has found the Self.  Let’s listen…
In this Guided Meditation, join Eckhart Tolle in exploring the transformative essence of stillness and its impact on joy, love, and creativity. In this video, Eckhart explains how accessing stillness allows for moments of joy, beauty, and a deeper connection with life. He discusses the ebb and flow of this access in our lives, often hidden beneath layers of constant thinking.
In this five minute video, Gangaji puts forth a very simplistic way at looking at and being who you are.
In this short and potent 7 minute guidance, Mooji simply invites us to sit down and be present for 10 minutes. By following this guidance, you come to rest in a deeper sense of yourself, which has tremendous benefits.
Join Eckhart Tolle as he discusses the challenge of being trapped in the world form, which includes our identities. In this guided meditation, Eckhart offers profound insights on how to transcend the narrow sense of self that leads to frustration, anxiety, and reactivity.
As long as we think that we are the person we can not be free from suffering and pain. That is why we need deeper observation of your self, to see the patterns of ego and finally transcend the person. Let us do that together with Mooji in this short, wise invitation to freedom.
In this short 5 minute guided meditation, Mooji reminds us that we are the light of consciousness that never goes out, and guides us to begin to appreciate our Being – the Eternal One – thus breaking the spell of separation.
This beautifully produced 10 minute audio/video from Gangaji deserves a full five star rating. Every single word points to the true nature of reality and adds no confusing concepts to distract the restless mind, leaving room for true realization of the all encompassing “Self”.
This 20 minute guided meditation is designed to help you break free from the hypnotic power of thought and discover the spacious presence that defines your true essence. Connect with the deeper, unseen dimensions of yourself and the universe.
In this 15 minute video from Rupert, he helps us gain a deeper understanding of Awareness itself. One can come to an understanding that their true nature is Awareness itself, but what is Awareness and can it come and go (as in the case of death or deep sleep)?
In this lovely thirteen minute video, Rupert takes us through the disappearance of time when we are so focused on an activity that we completely become one with the experience. This is actually the most common way most of us get a taste of the bliss that comes with being one with our true nature.
In this lovely 13 minute video, a man recognizes himself as the observer, aloof from experience, and asks for assistance with moving to the loving stage of knowing he is that in which all experience arises. Let’s listen to Rupert’s reply…
Where could Infinite hide? Is it everywhere or just outside or just inside? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 15 minute Invitation to freedom and Infinite Love.
In this short 5 minute video Mooji speaks on the flow of consciousness which determine all of your life’s experiences and events, including your relationships. This video also includes Mooji’s response to “How can I find a life partner?”
In this enlightening 8 minute video, Rupert Spira makes it clear that, on the relative level, an individual plays a part in self-realisation but this does not mean a separate self is being reinforced.  Let’s see what Rupert is talking about…
We are all connected to the universe. In this amazing video, Eckhart speaks about deep loss and how communities can help us heal from suffering. Nothing is permanent in the eternal universe and this realization is one of freedom.
In this great six minute video clip from Rupert, he explains that there is never anything other than ever-present awareness and EVERYTHING else is only a fabrication of the mind.
One of the most profound experiences we can cherish is the depth and quality of our relationships. In this video, Eckhart explains how the art of being present in these relationships – with family, friends, or partners – is not merely an act of being physically there but a deeper engagement of our conscious self.
This 20 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
This fifteen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
Explore Eckhart Tolle‘s illuminating insights on the profound benefits of sleep. In this video, he speaks about how nurturing your restful state amplifies presence and consciousness in daily life.
In this EXCELLENT video, a follower explains that she is experiencing the best day of her life because she has finally realized that she doesn’t exist. This leads Mooji into a deep look at the “Person” we believe ourselves to be and that this illusion is the first realization that must be transcended. Let’s listen in…
This very short five minute video features one of Eckhart Tolle’s most enlightened teachings which is the exact same message that has been passed on for thousands of years about the so called “secret to happiness”. Let’s listen how he explains to Oprah that we are not what we believe ourselves to be…
This video from an interview with Tony Parsons provides the essence of Tony Parson’s non-dual message. This message can be quite controversial but upon closer examination offers a somewhat unique perspective on non-duality and the reality of our life experience. Feeling adventurous? Let’s give it a try…