Adyashanti Video: All Paths Lead Away From the Truth (Awakening)
Uploaded by admin on March 17, 2020 at 5:39 pm
Adyashanti Video: All Paths Lead Away From the Truth (Awakening)
In this short 5 minute video from Adyashanti, you will hear a message that is the opposite of what most are told about following a path to find the “Self”. He explains that over 99% of what people do to wake up is actually reinforcing the dream state. Short video featuring an incredible message.
In this short 5 minute video from Adyashanti, you will hear a message that is the opposite of what most are told about following a path to find the “Self”. He explains that over 99% of what people do to wake up is actually reinforcing the dream state. Short video featuring an incredible message.
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