In this lovely 20 minute guided meditation, your can find your illuminating heart-being with Mooji’s guidance. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this 6 minute video, Mooji explains the first monumental discovery. Those who have this discovery for themselves often wonder what is next, or where to go from this discovery, but Mooji explains that there really isn’t any other discovery to be made.
In this video Mooji describes his experience of loosing his 23 year old son and what took place within him. Please note: There is a Part 1 to this video but the subject matter is almost identical to a previous video that can be seen by clicking here. This part (part 2) stands completely on its own.
This powerful and intimate 22 minute guided silent sitting was recorded for us while Mooji is in self-quarantine, inviting us all to sit with him in the room of Being. Let’s get started…
This hilarious 5 minute video is non-stop laughter as Mooji looses his composure and just can’t stop laughing at what becomes an increasing level of comedic circumstances. Get ready for a good laugh…
In this awesome 4 minute video, Mooji reminds us that the truth that we are requires no other sadhana, no mantra and no pilgrimage because you are THAT already. Let’s listen carefully to Mooji’s sage advice…
Sometimes we just want to run away when family drama ensues. To help us stay present when family members vie for our attention, Eckhart recommends inner-body awareness practice to help us root into the source of attention, avoid the trap of thinking and judging a situation, and shine the light of Being (rather than try to fight against unconsciousness).
In this eight minute spontaneous moment from 2009, Mooji explains that we (our minds) often create unnecessary conditions and restrictions on where or when we can be the “Self ” by anticipating our experience and creating barriers to living our Truth. The quality of this recording is poor, but the intensity of the talk makes up for it.
In this lovely 6 minute video from Zmar, Mooji reminds us that there is nobody here but consciousness and that by taking a closer look inwardly, we can begin to realize that our true nature can be found in what remains after everything has been removed. Let’s absorb these beautiful words…
In this 10 minute video from Rupert, he uses two metaphors to answer two of the most common questions about our search for “Enlightenment”. Using the metaphor of John Smith to represent “Awareness” and King Lear to represent the person we believe ourselves to be, he very logically explains why ignorance of our true nature causes all of our suffering and who/what is it that keeps us seeking for happiness.
In this twelve minute video, Rupert takes us through a close examination of fear and helps us to instantly overcome the suffering of fear. Let’s listen a Rupert helps us transcend this pesky emotion…
In this super short 3 minute clip we find one of Mooji’s most powerful messages to bring our attention back to the “Self”. He reminds us of how we came to misidentify with a false sense of self and what is really going on behind the curtain of illusion. Let’s close our eyes and soak it in…
This wonderful little seven minute video from 2008 can be used as a guided meditation which covers a lot of ground and is a direct pointing to the source of all-that-is within each and every one of us.
This nine minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this 7 minute clip of Mooji appearing on an interview with Lilou Mace, he replies to the common questions surrounding how to make a contribution to the world. Mooji explains that first, the most important contribution that one can make is to become clear about their own self and realize their true nature.
In this nine minute video, Rupert Spira shares his views on what happens after enlightenment (awakening). Most people believe that awakening is the be all, end all of it, but actually Rupert explains that this is when the working through old programming begins.
This short video from Rupert Spira takes us on a three minute journey back to the self. We start as this separate person we call “I” and finish with the realization of our true essence where we have been all along.
In this super short 2 minute video, Jac explains that in the New Age movement we often hear of finding your “Higher Purpose” which can seem like a very constructive and admirable thing to do. However, in most cases (where people are still identified with who they think they are and what they do) it can actually be counterproductive to the realization of the “Self”.
This beautiful spontaneous moment with Mooji is a guide to achieving the clarity many seek. This meeting takes place when someone wants to be taken home before going home. Dying before death means being free from identification with the false sense of self. Let’s get started…
We all experience pain in life, whether from injury or illness. But is it possible to be at peace even in the midst of physical pain and discomfort? Is it possible to experience pain without suffering? In this amazing 6 minute video, Nada shows us how we can deal with the actual pain and make sure that we are not causing any unnecessary SUFFERING. Let’s listen…
In this 10 minute video, an inquirer asks how she can deal with insecurity in her relationship. Rupert then explains the basis for all insecurities which is based on a very real intuitive realization. Once we understand the cause of insecurities, we can then invest our focus on the cure.
This excellent 6 minute video is in response to someone asking “Can you offer some advice on how we can stay more in the now?” This is classic Mooji responding in the most direct way always pointing to the same undeniable truth.
Finally, a teacher of non-duality is willing to speak on the question in back of everyone’s mind, “how does non-dual teachings apply to the mentally impaired?” In this 10 minute response from Rupert we witness an intelligent response that is tailored for the moment, yet retains the integrity of “Truth” and non-dual teachings.
When you say “I”, who is speaking? Are you speaking as the person or consciousness? This video will bring you back to your true place in under 9 minutes.
The essence of this amazing 5 STAR classic Mooji video is, “If your guru, facilitator or teacher gives you rules to go by for realization… Run!!!”
In this AMAZING 7 minute video, Rupert explains in super easy to understand language that there is no individual “entity” inside the body orchestrating the activities of that particular body and mind. This also leads to the conclusion that there is really no personal responsibility. This can be a very scary statement when taken out of context, but Rupert explains how this does not lead to behaving in irresponsible ways.
In this very short 5 minute video, Rupert explains that every choice we seem to make was made before our realizing that a choice was made. In other words, even though it appears to be that as a “person” we are making enumerable choices, none of the decisions that are made in our life are made by this one we call “me” (the person). The person, only CLAIMS to have made that choice after the fact. This is even supported by scientific experiments.
Always feel like you don’t have enough time to meditate? Here is a wonderful 4 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “You Are the Eternal Being”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this very special fifteen minute video, Rupert takes a seeker step by step into a deep reflection of “I Am” revealing the ONLY “thing” we can ever know with complete certainty, which so happens to reveal our true nature as well. If you have ever felt as though you have a difficult time recognizing the Self or have questions or doubts about our true reality, then this video is for you. Let’s watch…
In this short video, Mooji provides such a lovely way to deal with feelings or inertia or restlessness. This is a must see, five star video.