In this guided meditation, join Eckhart Tolle on a journey to discover how realizing inner stillness transcends our identity and is essential for leading a fulfilling life. This session offers insights into transforming frustration into satisfaction and peace, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of presence and the significance of living in the now.
In this video, Eckhart Tolle provides insights into bringing spaciousness into our relationships, particularly with children. He outlines the advantages of creating spaces of awareness throughout the day to observe, control, and possibly change our behavior patterns. Eckhart also discusses how to foster a relationship that transcends doing and allows for being, enabling a deeper connection.
This video explores how moments of connection with nature or a non-judgmental gaze from a baby can momentarily liberate us from our incessant thinking. Eckhart Tolle describes these instances as glimpses of the spiritual dimension that can affirm the value of life, even for those not consciously on a spiritual path.
Eckhart Tolle shares his journey from being a quiet presence to stepping into the role of helping others. He explains why true healing comes from a state of pure awareness rather than just learned techniques. Whether you’re a coach, therapist, or someone who wants to help others, Eckhart’s insights will show you how to maintain authenticity while making a difference.
In this lovely video, Mooji presents a powerful yet simple exercise — An Invitation to Freedom. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being.
Here is another wonderful 6 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
Here is a wonderful 7 minute compilation by Lucia Lagana which features almost all the best quotes from the spiritual masters of today and from long ago. Definitely worth the time to watch…
In this short 7 minute extract, Papaji replies a question about effort and non effort in self inquiry: “You are advised simply to keep quiet and during this quietness perhaps it will reveal itself to you through its own grace. Submit. Keep quiet. Don’t move your mind for one second, one thought. Now is the time, today is the time, this moment is the best moment. Make the best of this moment.”
In this excellent 7 minute video, a questioner is a bit confused about a quote he heard that says that we can never meet as separate entities, to which Rupert explains that we can only recognize our shared being. Let’s listen to Rupert’s explanation…
In this fantastic 9 minute video, a woman asks how to share the teaching with people who get scared and revolt against it. Rupert speaks of the concessions made by all spiritual teachers, with the analogy of the willingness of John Smith’s friend to speak to King Lear.
In this 13 minute video, Nada explains that Life is a continuous process of growth and discovery, so long as we have the willingness to grow. Let’s listen to these wise concepts and examine our ability and willingness to grow…
In this fantastic 15 minute video, Mooji offers us a great contemplative exercise to help determine where we are at exactly with our understanding of the Truth. Don’t miss out on this…
In this lovely 13 minute video filled with ancient wisdom,  Gautam shares some quotes of Siddharameshwar Maharaj that impacted him deeply. Siddharameshwar Maharaj was Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Guru.  This is Part 4 of this series so let’s get started…
In this lovely 20 minute guided meditation, your can find your illuminating heart-being with Mooji’s guidance. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
One of my favourite meditations to do are Mooji’s meditations. He was a guest on my “Under The Skin” podcast this week and here are some of the lessons I learned from him…
In this enlightening video, Gangaji sits down for an interview on the subject of racism. Gangaji grew up in Mississippi, raised a white southern girl in the segregated town of Clarksdale. In this interview, she speaks about how her own racist conditioning first began to be dismantled. She invites us not only to meet the cruelty and wrongs of the past 400 years, but also to meet the internal system of racism within our own minds today. Part One of this interview covers the human patterns of denial, seeking power for survival, meeting the fear that perpetuates racism, and the [More]
In this lovely Satsang of the Week, Mooji shares about the freedom of non-doing and reflects on some stories from the Bible, these rich and simple contemplations emerge. The emphasis is to become free of concepts and to confirm the place of total peace, joy and natural completeness.
This is the 4th installment of a new 28 part series of short guided meditations by Deepika Avanti.  These experiential guided meditation to Living Peace, Love, God, Holistic healing on 6 levels (Christ Consciousness, enlightenment, self realization, presence, now, joy, happiness, ) while you view exquisite nature videography from Nepal, Southern Utah, Colorado Rock Mtn. To discover all 28 videos absolutely free please click here. These 28 videos challenge you live meditation by recognizing your identification with peaceful awareness, the Ultimate Reality, the Ultimate Truth or what changes, such as the body, emotions, thoughts and sensations, which are bound to [More]
In this short 4 minute video, comedian and actor Jim Carrey shares some words of wisdom based on his search for meaning, internal reflections and life experiences.
Jim Carrey has been expressing tidbits of his understanding of non-duality in the media lately and many are questioning his sanity. By the reaction of the media we find that perhaps the world at large is not ready to hear this message. However, in this nine minute video, a young man named Prince Ea explains what Jim Carey meant in these interviews in a very easy to understand format for the masses. Is it possible that this will become common knowledge in the near future?
Avadhuta is a Sanskrit term from some Indian religions or Dharmic Traditions referring to a type of mystic or saint who is beyond egoic-consciousness. This 4 1/2 minute video contains “The Song of the Avadhut”. Of all the mystical treatises of ancient Indian literature, the Avadhut Gita, or “Song Of The Avadhut,” is one of the most eloquent and compelling. The Avadhut Gita is a call to knowledge, the supreme knowledge of ultimate Truth. It is the knowledge of the ultimate, indisputable Truth of existence; and it is this very Truth which has the power to make us free. Let’s [More]
In this 6 minute video, Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) discusses how the theory of quantum entanglement within the study of quantum mechanics has huge implications on the scientific and spiritual communities. It shows that ALL of the universe is actually ONE in nature and that LOVE plays the ultimate role at making it all possible.
In this 6 minute video, Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) discusses how the theory of quantum entanglement within the study of quantum mechanics has huge implications on the scientific and spiritual communities. It shows that ALL of the universe is actually ONE in nature and that LOVE plays the ultimate role at making it all possible.
In this great little five minute video, we find a compilation of quotes from actor Jim Carrey expressing the “Truth” about the nature of our reality as it has been told to us for thousands of years. Even though Jim is not known as a spiritual teacher, it is refreshing to hear someone “outside” the usual spiritual circles share these eternal truths. Let’s listen in…
In this lovely spontaneous audio Satsang, Mooji helps us to understand true Sadhana. Most believe that Sadhana is for those that are seeking the “Truth”, but Mooji says that the highest Sadhana is to stop the mind from distorting the Truth you have discovered. Let’s listen to what this means…
In this cute five minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the question, “What is my true nature?” The beauty of using this format to convey this message is that it allows us to focus on the MESSAGE rather than the MESSENGER. Let’s listen in on there little conversation… This is Part 1 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will [More]
In this cute four minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the role of individuality and conditioning within a non-dual world. The beauty of using this format to convey this message is that it allows us to focus on the MESSAGE rather than the messenger. Let’s listen in on there little conversation… This is Part 2 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 [More]
In this cute three minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the fact that realization of our true nature does NOT mean the end of the personal role (character) we are playing. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 3 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 [More]
In this cute three minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the question of “Free Will”. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 4 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – Free Will Part 5 – Life After Realization Part [More]
In this cute four minute animation we find Frick and Frack discussing the fact that we can still experience moods, anxiety, fear and stress after realization. The greatest advantage to these cartoons is that it allows us to focus more on the MESSAGE, rather than the credibility or character of the messenger. This is Part 5 of this discussion of our true nature between Frick and Frack. Here are the links to the other parts of this series: Part 1 – The Nature of Reality Part 2 – Individuality & Conditioning Part 3 – Personality After Realization Part 4 – [More]