In this lovely 9 minute video, a man feels ‘enchanted’ by thoughts and asks for guidance on how to stay connected to himself while thinking. Let’s listen carefully to Rupert’s response…
In this super interesting 8 minute video, a man asks if awareness needs human beings to know itself.
In this inspired 7 minute video, Rupert speaks about creation and manifestation as the nature of consciousness, and the desire for happiness as the one shared desire of all seven billion people on the planet.
In this enlightening 9 minute video, a woman who says she has always felt as if she was two entities – personality and being – has recently recognised that she is one. Rupert responds that the personality is a coloring of being, not a separate entity.
In this great 14 minute video,  a man asks how to deal with fear and anxiety, especially when his mind comes up with frightening ‘what-if’ scenarios. He wonders if they aren’t all variations of the same fear of not existing. Rupert elaborates on the existential, primal fear that underlies the sense of being a separate self.
In this awesome 8 minute video with Rupert Spira, a man says that his experience of time feels unbearable. Rupert explains that when that which seems to be fixed and reliable is seen not to be, a sense of emptiness and fear can arise, and suggests that the man explore those feelings.
In this great six minute video with Rupert Spira, a man asks for clarification with respect to the mind and physical laws. Rupert suggests that there are habitual, repetitive and limited patterns of mind within consciousness.
In this 9 minute video, a woman asks if the study of astrology reinforces the ego. Rupert replies that the desire to study astrology arises from the same place as the desire to discover our true nature, and to understand who we really are.
A woman who suffers from chronic pain, and who is now caring for her father who is dying of cancer, says she wants to escape from the pain that surrounds her. Rupert reminds her that there is actual physical pain and there is psychological suffering and what the difference is between the two.
A man from Toronto says that, although he is becoming more grounded in awareness and experiencing more peace, he still feels pulled in by the demands of the separate self and the dominant culture. Let’s listen to Rupert’s intelligent response in this 9 minute video clip…
In this wisdom filled 8 minute video, a man asks why consciousness creates manifestation at all. Let’s listen as Rupert responds…
In this lovely 16 minute meditation with Rupert Spira, we contemplate that, just as a wave is one with the ocean from which it surfaces, we are one with the universe from which we emerge. Therefore, we need only investigate our self to know what the universe essentially is.  Let’s sit back, relax, and join in…
In this very interesting 8 minute video, a man comments that it seems as though consciousness has a direction and that it desires evolution, let’s listen to Rupert’s intelligent response.  
A woman whose father recently died says that she feels he is one with her, truly incorporated in her. She asks Rupert to describe the place where loved ones go. Rupert says that it is the heart, where our loved ones always and only exist as our shared being.  Let’s listen…
In this inspired 9 minute video, a woman found it difficult to relate to a meditation on a recent YouTube video because she felt it was more for the mind. She asks Rupert for a more heart-centered meditation, so that she can connect more with her feelings than her thoughts. Let’s watch as Rupert leads her in a heart-centered way of self-enquiry…
In this important 9 minute video, a man asks Rupert to elaborate on the body as the perceived, not the perceiver, and asks how the body is the agency for experiencing manifestation. Let’s listen to Rupert’s response…
A man who has been on the search for decades feels as if all he experiences now is emptiness, that he missed the happiness aspect. He asks ‘What am I missing?’ Rupert explains that what is missed is your self, and suggests he turn around and meet his self.
In this unique 11 minute video, a woman asks if she should continue to binge-watch Rupert’s videos, and immerse herself in the teachings, or are they simply a distraction from being? Wondering what Rupert will respond to that? Let’s find out…
In this super interesting and enlightening 16 minute video, a man asks if there could be overlapping fields of unlimited consciousness. Let’s listen as Rupert explains the actually love is the evidence that consciousness is ONE. Let’s join in…
In this lovely 4 minute video, a man asks Rupert to recommend meditations or practices to further the deepening of his understanding.  Let’s listen to Rupert’s suggestions…
In this revealing 15 minute video, a man says that he has been inattentive during daily life while abiding as awareness and asks Rupert for guidance.  Let’s listen to Rupert’s AMAZING advice…
In this beautiful 5 minute video, a woman asks for guidance on discerning actions that come from our separate self vs. our highest understanding. She also asks if there is absolute truth.
In this very interesting 11 minute video, a woman asks for clarification about the Tantric approach to expressing intense emotions and its relationship to the ego, social justice and impersonal anger.  Let’s listen to Rupert’s detailed response…
In this wonderful 8 minute video clip, a man asks for guidance in distinguishing between desires coming from love and those coming from the separate self.  Let’s listen as Rupert responds with clarity and insight…
A woman from California asks how to deal with the fear of self breaking down. In this brilliant 9 minute video, Rupert explains that the peeling away of layers can be experienced in different ways, and suggests taking refuge in the background that holds it all together.
In this informative 12 minute video, a man asks what is the ultimate purpose of the non-dual yoga meditations. Yoga has become increasingly popular and many have questions as to how this relates to non-duality. Let’s listen as Rupert explains…
In this deeply insightful 12 minute video, a man says that he has spent his whole life giving up attachments in order to please God, whom he associates with punishment and reward. Now that his understanding is changing, he is confused. Let’s listen as Rupert speaks about God and our being as a single being…
A man who is terminally ill and has sought treatment to no avail, asks if his interest in self-enquiry is for the body, and if the body is mind, is illness a neurosis. Rupert suggests that his interest in self-enquiry is to find happiness, to return to his true nature, otherwise known as ‘die before you die.’
In this wonderful 10 minute video from Rupert, a woman asks about extending actions that come from love to the public realm.  This clip has been taken from Rupert’s retreat in Amsterdam, Spring 2019…
In this very short (5 minutes) but direct  video, a woman asks about the grieving process.  This is a super popular question so let’s get started…