Papaji Video: There Is No Rebirth and No Karma

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This video is only two and a half minutes long but contains a huge and controversial message. In this short video, Papaji denies the existence of rebirth and karma and dismisses them as concepts for religions to instill fear and control their subjects.

Because Papaji can be a little difficult to understand, here is the word by word transcript:

Question: When freedom is always there and full awakening is possible here and now for everybody regardless of the background or any practice or personal circumstances what about karma? Can you please explain the idea of karma yoga rebirth in the context of the true freedom now.

Papaji Response: This talk of karma and rebirth do not belong to this area of freedom. That’s a very different question. That belongs to religion and not for the seeker of freedom. So this question is not relevant to seekers of truth. There’s no such karma and no such rebirth question. That belongs to religion: fear. That fear is created to you if you follow any teacher, or a preacher, or a priest. They give you this fear, “If you don’t follow you will be again and again reborn and suffer.” This is not the work of the Sadguru who removes all this old doubts and all these stupid concepts. He only shows you the way of happiness and freedom and he doesn’t joke with you. That’s a different affair.

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