In this EXCELLENT video, a follower explains that she is experiencing the best day of her life because she has finally realized that she doesn’t exist. This leads Mooji into a deep look at the “Person” we believe ourselves to be and that this illusion is the first realization that must be transcended. Let’s listen in…
In this eight minute video, Rupert describes the workings of Synchronicity in a non-dual world. After describing how synchronicity comes to fruition within the context of the “Consciousness only” model, he goes on to explain how prayer can work on a non-personal level.
This video is a wonderful confirmation of “who” or “what” we all are. We are indeed Brahman!
This video from an online meeting with Tony Parsons provides the essence of Tony Parson’s non-dual message. This message can be quite controversial but upon closer examination offers a somewhat unique perspective on non-duality and the reality of our life experience. Feeling adventurous? Let’s give it a try…
This beautifully produced 10 minute audio/video from Gangaji deserves a full five star rating. Every single word points to the true nature of reality and adds no confusing concepts to distract the restless mind, leaving room for true realization of the all encompassing “Self”.
Explore Eckhart Tolle‘s illuminating insights on the profound benefits of sleep. In this video, he speaks about how nurturing your restful state amplifies presence and consciousness in daily life.
This video from an interview with Tony Parsons provides the essence of Tony Parson’s non-dual message. This message can be quite controversial but upon closer examination offers a somewhat unique perspective on non-duality and the reality of our life experience. Feeling adventurous? Let’s give it a try…
This very short five minute video features one of Eckhart Tolle’s most enlightened teachings which is the exact same message that has been passed on for thousands of years about the so called “secret to happiness”. Let’s listen how he explains to Oprah that we are not what we believe ourselves to be…
In this priceless video, Mooji presents a powerful yet simple exercise — “An Invitation to Freedom”. This distilled and direct guidance takes us directly into the recognition of our timeless Being.
In this lovely 8 minute video, a questioner says that she works with people in need of help and she gets very attached to them. She wants to know if that is ok, or? Jac explains that when the heart is open and pure compassion flows, heart-breaking sadness arises on seeing the futile and inevitable suffering in the world.
In this short 6 minute video, Rupert offers two practical approaches for dealing with anger. Whether you use the Vedantic or Tantric approach, there is no need to go through the usual process of disappointment, shame or guilt but rather a more direct route to recognizing the anger for what it is and quickly moving on.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that we need to stop looking for an experience of Awakening (Enlightenment, Realization). He explains how freedom is NOT an experience, no matter how special we think it may be.
In this very inspired five minute video from Mooji, he impresses upon us over and over again that our true nature is “Prior to” anything and everything. Here Mooji explains what he means by that…
Tony Parsons gives talks and facilitates investigation and discussion on the nature of Advaita Vedanta and non-dualism. He works both in the UK and internationally and his books are published in many countries. The fundamental principle of his work is to define the non-dual and impersonal nature of reality and to expose the dichotomy of the dualistic belief in a progressive path leading to spiritual attainment.
Where could Infinite hide? Is it everywhere or just outside or just inside? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 15 minute Invitation to freedom and Infinite Love.
In this great little interview of Ramesh Balsekar by Stephen Wolinsky, they discuss the relationship between Ramesh and Nisargadatta Maharaj and what he believes was the central message of his teachings. Ramesh Balsekar and Stephen Wolinsky are both disciples of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Balsekar also became one of Maharaj’s favorite translators and did so for several years until Maharaj’s death and went on to write several books containing Maharaj’s teachings and discourses.
In this lovely 13 minute video, a man recognizes himself as the observer, aloof from experience, and asks for assistance with moving to the loving stage of knowing he is that in which all experience arises. Let’s listen to Rupert’s reply…
In this FANTASTIC 14 minute video featuring Mooji, Jac O’Keeffe and Ramesh Balsekar we find the answer to what can happen to our sense of responsibility once we have surrendered the ego. How will I be able to distinguish right from wrong? What will keep me from going out into the world and just doing what I want? Let’s watch as this video answers these questions and more…
In this short 5 minute video Mooji speaks on the flow of consciousness which determine all of your life’s experiences and events, including your relationships. This video also includes Mooji’s response to “How can I find a life partner?”
In this 22 minute guided meditation, Eckhart Tolle reveals the essence of accessing pure beingness beyond the obstacle of constant doing. Discover the aim of meditation and the importance of transitioning from doing to experiencing true being.
In this great little 3 minute reminder, Lisa Cairns responds to a questioner who wants to know if we should just let things come to us through the Law of Attraction. Lisa responds by explaining that realization does not necessarily mean the end of our human tendencies.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji discusses that in getting closer to the truth of our existence, the mind will start to feel that this may be the end of its existence and begins to wonder things like “How will I live?”, “Who will take care of my family or kids?”, “How will I be able to work or relate to the rest of the world?”.  Lets see what Mooji has to say… Click here for Part 1 of this particular clip.
In this short 7 minute extract, Papaji replies a question about effort and non effort in self inquiry: “You are advised simply to keep quiet and during this quietness perhaps it will reveal itself to you through its own grace. Submit. Keep quiet. Don’t move your mind for one second, one thought. Now is the time, today is the time, this moment is the best moment. Make the best of this moment.”
Here’s a great little five minute video featuring David Godman who shares some personal experiences with Nisargadatta Maharaj, which includes the backbone of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teachings. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Navnath Sampradaya. Sri Nisargadatta, with his direct and minimalistic explanation of non-dualism, is considered the most famous teacher of Advaita since Ramana Maharshi.
Raising children consciously is a beautiful form of spiritual practice with the potential to benefit countless lives. But it’s easier said than done! Eckhart offers a vital reminder to all parents: what you do is not as important as how you do it; that is, the state of consciousness we bring to our interactions with our children will have the greatest influence on the outcome. Aligning with the “isness” of the moment is the first step.
In this amazing compilation, Mooji provides three effective approaches for dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions. This is the perfect video to help you find your way back from a major mind trip with difficult thoughts and emotions.
This six minute video demonstrates how easy one can confuse the arrogance of ego claiming itself to be the “Truth”, even when it truly seems to be genuine in nature. Let’s let Mooji take us through the process of inquiring into it…
In this wonderful little five minute video clip from Rupert Spira, he explains that a spiritual inquiry or search should only be done for the complete joy of it, and that making a discipline or practice out of it is almost blasphemous or disrespectful to the universe.
In this super short 3 minute video, Rupert reminds us that we should often let ourselves feel the full implications of knowing that Awareness can not die.  He encourages us to revisit that felt-understanding often so that knowledge can assimilate itself into the fiber of “our” lives. For a reminder of the undying nature of Awareness (You), check out this video.
Mooji explains Nisargadatta Maharaj’s famous quote “I leave my human nature to unfold according to what its destiny is, I remain as I am”.